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Regarding Disability Claims

There are many people who want to help veterans with their VA disability claims for Compensation and Pension (C&P). Most of these people are well meaning and helpful; however, there are those who are out to take advantage of the often confusing and almost always frustrating process.

To be brief:


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The only required fields are name, email, and message.

Dr. Horne is not currently accepting new patients but is happy to provide a referral.

Dr. Horne does not accept insurance of any kind.

The Brain Behavior Group maintains an office near the corner of 192 and US1 in Melbourne, FL.

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Dr. Leveta Horne is a Clinical Neuropsychologist and Licensed Psychologist who maintains private practice in Melbourne Florida.

While completing her doctorate Dr. Horne chose to additionally complete full doctoral level course work in Sport Psychology providing her with a uniquely specialized approach to improving performance, especially for those in highly competitive positions. Through this experience she naturally developed a specialty working with transitioning out of "Identity Rich" careers. An Identity Rich career is one in which an individual’s identity is closely aligned with, and/or woven into, their career. For example, professional athletes, veterans, law enforcement officers, and similar.

Dr. Horne has taken advantage of the numerous continuing education opportunities available in one of the world’s top travel destinations. Further, she has paired her love of travel with educational opportunities in many other states and countries. She has served on hospital research teams, as faculty in graduate programs, and as consultant to several companies and attorneys. Further, she has worked in a variety of settings including private practice, prisons, schools, and hospitals. This purposeful approach, to seeking significantly varied opportunities to improve her psychological knowledge, has resulted in the ability to create unique treatment plans and programs for a variety of clients facing diverse challenges.

Dr. Horne understands the incredible benefit of prevention and prefers to work with clients before a problem arises or negatively impacts them. However, she also understands many are not interested in treating something that hasn’t happened yet. In that case she is able to work with clients to develop both a treatment plan and a long term program to support positive change and growth. She takes particular pride in creating unique treatment plans and programs for each client leading to a quicker and longer lasting result than would come from from a “blueprinted” approach. 

Dr. Horne enjoys working with a variety of clients including, but not limited to, corporate clients, attorneys, adults, adolescents, children and their parents, schools, individuals, and couples. She is proud to provide C&P evaluations and IME/Os for veterans seeking disability benefits. To this end she not only provides independent evaluations for the VA but also partners with many attorneys and law firms around the nation to assist in the claims process.

When not working, Dr. Horne enjoys traveling with her family, running, biking, playing with her dog, learning to surf, reading, hanging out with friends, and the occasional binge watching session.

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Full Neuropsychological Evaluations

Developmental and/or Learning Disorders including:

Autism Spectrum Disorders

Sensory Processing Disorder

Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder

Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI)/Concussion (including rehabilitative therapy)

Specific evaluations including:

Specific Learning Disorders (appropriate for IEPs and 504 Plans - includes full Psycho-Educational Assessment)

Admission to "Gifted" programs


C&P DBQs - IME/O for Veterans

Contact Dr. Horne for an appointment.

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Therapy with Dr. Horne is likely not the type of therapy you have had before or that you have seen depicted in film or television. The first session is longer than others, between 90-120 minutes, and consists of a thorough biopsychosocial interview, directly addressing concerns that brought you to therapy, and identifying goals. The second session consists of discussing your unique treatment plan and beginning to move forward at a quick and steady pace. Therapy with Dr. Horne is active and focused; this approach often lessens the number of sessions needed to reach identified goals. 

Therapy focuses first on helping you gain an understanding of your approach to solving problems and improving functioning. To this end, Dr. Horne assists you with developing and honing skills including the ability to recognize, and address, possible difficulties before they grow out of control. Further, Dr. Horne does not believe in treatment in isolation, rather she takes a full approach to healthcare by not only addressing areas of concern but also sleep, diet, relationships, and exercise.

As a Neuropsychologist, Dr. Horne possesses a unique understanding of how brain structure impacts behavior. She designs each unique treatment plan to encourage and support neurogenesis, the building of new and stronger neural pathways, and improve plasticity. This approach results in true learning, leading to longer lasting results.

Do not hesitate to contact Dr. Horne for more information or an appointment.

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Running Shoes


The “Walk and Talk” is a form of therapy that works well in many different situations:

  • Sometimes people are simply uncomfortable coming into a formal office setting for therapy.

  • Sometimes people think their problems are not “bad enough for therapy” or believe they have “so much” and think that not being ‘happy’ or ‘satisfied’ is a personal weakness rather than something that can be helped with therapy.

  • Sometimes people “don’t believe in therapy” but are willing to test it out in a less ‘formal’ way.

  • Sometimes people like to be outside and walk rather than sitting inside.

The Walk and Talk requires the client to attend a "traditional" first session (meaning in the office).

For the next session, a location is chosen that is convenient for the client in an open and comfortable area (for example around a marina or any of the beautiful area beaches). The walk lasts the same amount of time as an in office session (50 minutes) and is billed the same. The therapy is also the same, just in a setting more comfortable to some.

Don’t worry, if you do not want to literally walk the entire session, breaks can be accommodated quite easily. Be sure to wear appropriate clothing for the weather and activity - including sunscreen - and bring water to drink along the way. Sessions will need to be rescheduled or relocated if Dr. Horne is concerned about safety for any reason (e.g., improper dress, weather, etc.)

Contact her to get started!

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Neuropsychological and psychological evaluations are more and more often a part of law suits, especially those involving injury, and their importance is undeniable. These reports provide information ranging from explanation of injury to competency to treatment recommendations. These reports can be difficult to navigate and understand for two main reasons: 

  • They are generally deep and broad and, thus, often lengthy. 

  • They generally contain information and terminology commonly misunderstood by those outside the profession. 

Difficulty in understanding the evaluations often leads to inefficient, improper, or inadequate use of the evaluations you and/or your client spent a significant amount of time and money to obtain. (Just as with medical reports such as x-rays, MRIs, etc.)

A typical consultation begins with a review of the report(s) provided by mental health professionals and an explanation and/or clarification of the methods (including testing conditions), measures, and findings. From there it is not uncommon to progress to full review of medical records and raw data, "translating" of the reports, and assistance developing questions for deposition, trial, or settlement. Dr. Horne can not only save you time and money but also support the growth and reputation of your firm. Billing is based on time spent and a retainer is required prior to commencement of services.   

From Dr. Horne:

The idea for this service came after I was deposed for seven hours on a three page report I completed over six years prior. I realized the individuals asking me the questions knew little to nothing of the process of obtaining an evaluation, how to read and interpret the evaluation, or even the distinction of the various mental health professionals. These are common difficulties for anyone outside the profession just as most people outside the legal profession struggle with the nuances and even the basics. That day alone I could have saved one of those law firms $2500.

If you are interested in learning more about, or securing, Dr. Horne's services please feel free to contact her at your convenience.

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Veteran Memorial Service



Dr. Horne has been providing C&P evaluations for veterans who have filed for disability through the VAMC for several years. Additionally, she provides IME/Os for attorneys working with veterans whose claims have been denied. 

Dr. Horne is credentialed with, and is currently a provider for, all three of the privatized companies that provide C&P evaluations (QTC, LHI, and VES). Dr. Horne provides comprehensive reports using “VA language” and is adept at refuting arguments for denying deserving veterans. These IME/Os can be done in person or via a secure (HIPAA compliant) video chat service anywhere with secure Internet access. Turn around time is short and pricing is reasonable.

Please complete the Contact form for questions and scheduling. 

Thank you for all you do in serving our veterans and allowing us to help in anyway we can.

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Helping Service Members become Veterans

Upon entering military service, individuals undergo rigorous training and education. This training and education teaches service members HOW TO BE SERVICE MEMBERS. The training and education range from basic information and command structure to details and skills needed to perform in some of the most challenging and demanding of positions in the world.

There is no such training and education upon separation from service.

Civilian life is different from military life in nearly every aspect imaginable.

This program provides information and support that, again, ranges from basic to specific on

HOW TO BE A CIVILIAN ADULT. This information and support can help ease the transition to civilian life.

Common areas addressed are:

  • Scheduling and managing your own time

  • You're home now, your relationship with your family and friends will change

  • Dealing with and understanding the civilian mind

  • Different approaches and skills in the workplace 

  • And more - we are ALWAYS open to suggestions for areas to address!

While the program is structured, each treatment plan is individualized for each veteran.

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Transitions can be difficult. The bigger the transition, often the bigger the difficulty.

It can be said that transitioning from childhood and adolescence into adulthood is one of the more challenging transitions in the lifespan. As with any transition, guidance and support are what eases the experience the most. With these, you know better what to prepare for and how to develop needed KSAs (Knowledge, Skills, and Abilities) but you also know that when you struggle there is a place for support and encouragement to keep moving forward. 

To assist both young adults, and their parents, Dr. Horne has created a 6-week program that addresses the most common challenges of this transition. The program is, of course, interactive and begins with a brief assessment to identify which areas need attention and which are going along pretty well. Once completed, Dr. Horne creates an individual plan with specific goals and ways to measure success. Contact Dr. Horne to get started.

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Sleep. We have a complicated relationship with it from the beginning of life. Much of our early years is spent fighting sleep and much of our later years is spent practically stalking it. Given that sleep is one of the most important components of overall health that relationship needs nurturing. 

Dr. Horne provides sleep services including but not limited to:

  • Sleep Hygiene for building life long healthy sleep 

  • Getting kids to sleep

  • Helping you get a good night’s sleep before a big day

  • Sleep and anxiety

Contact Dr. Horne about her 6-week program for better sleep or any other sleep related question you may have. 

Also, Dr. Horne has more than one blog post providing more information about sleep hygiene, the importance of sleep, and common myths about sleep.

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See what Dr. Horne is talking about on her blog - Owning Today: New Solutions for Old Problems

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Topics Include, But Are Not Limited To:

Veterans Affairs/Disability

Marijuana and the Brain

Mental Health Professionals

Sleep Hygiene and Impact of Poor Sleep

Learning Disorders including: 

    Talking to Your Children About Learning Disorders 

    Parenting a child with a Learning Disorder. 

Advocating for Your Child’s Education:

    504s and IEPs

Least Restrictive Environment

Response To Intervention

Developmental Disorders

Autism Spectrum Disorder


Differential Diagnosis

TBI and Return to Play 

Brain Rehabilitation After Injury

Sensory Processing Disorder

Nonverbal Learning Disorder

Anxiety Across the Lifespan 

Contact Dr. Horne to speak with her on any of the topics above or inquire about others.

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